Online Estate Sales Versus Traditional Estate Sales

Online Estate Sales Versus Traditional Estate Sales

If you need to clear out many of your belongings due to downsizing your home, a divorce, moving to another country or if you’re clearing out the belongings of a loved one who has passed away, you need to hold an estate sale. An estate sale is different than a garage sale, where fewer items are cleared out for very low prices. You can hold a traditional estate sale or an online estate sale to liquidate many items at once. Learn more about what’s involved with each kind of sale to decide which is right for you. Continue reading

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A Unique Closing Cost Fee for Northern Virginia – What it Means and How it Helps

A Unique Closing Cost Fee for Northern Virginia – What it Means and How it Helps

If you’ve spent any time driving — or parked on the highway — in the Northern Virginia area, you know there is a massive need for transportation improvements. To improve congestion in the area, legislators need to raise funds. One way they do this is by the Regional Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Capital Fee. Formerly known as the Congestion Relief Tax, this fee helps provide the funds to improve our roads. Continue reading

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Beautiful, Natural Settings to Keep Cool in the Summer

Beautiful, Natural Settings to Keep Cool in the Summer

Don’t let the Virginia humidity and heat get you down. Taking a dip in the pool is one way to cool off, but we have plenty of places in and around Prince William County where you can stay cool without changing into your bathing suit. Here are some places you can go to cool off this summer while you enjoy nature! Continue reading

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Get the Greenest Lawn on the Block

Get the Greenest Lawn on the Block

If you are looking to improve your home’s curb appeal, one of the biggest things you can do is work on having a nice lawn. However, that’s not always so easy to achieve in the red Virginia clay dirt. Thankfully, we have some ideas on how to help! Here are some of our best tips and tricks for getting the greenest lawn on the block! Continue reading

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Staging Your Home – Think Neutral and Minimalism

Staging Your Home – Think Neutral and Minimalism

When it comes time to selling your home, staging it can play an important role in getting it sold. Home staging is all about showing how the space can be used and to help buyers envision themselves living in this space. Essentially, you’ll want to remove most of the personal elements and make the space as neutral and minimalist as possible. Here are some tips for staging your home. Continue reading

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The Benefits of Downsizing to a Condo

The Benefits of Downsizing to a Condo

Downsizing your home is a big decision and one that requires some consideration. We are often emotionally, as well as financially, invested in our homes. While it may be beneficial to move out, it is not always an easy choice. On the bright side, there are many benefits of downsizing to a condo that might make it worthwhile. Here are some of the top benefits to help you decide if moving into a smaller home is the right choice for you. Continue reading

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How Interest Rates Affect Your Monthly Payment

How Interest Rates Affect Your Monthly Payment

Home loan interest rates fluctuate over time and can be affected by certain changes in the market. When interest rates go higher, options might be more limited and you can potentially have less purchasing power. However, when rates go lower, your purchasing power increases as prices are much lower. Let’s shed a bit more light on all this. Continue reading

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Decluttering When You Move – How to Recycle Your Old Belongings

Decluttering When You Move – How to Recycle Your Old Belongings

Moving is a great opportunity for you to declutter your home to give yourself a fresh start in your new space. Decluttering is especially important if you’re downsizing your home. You can keep a surprising amount of household items out of our landfills by recycling them. Continue reading

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