Tag Archives: mortgage

How to Improve Your Credit Score

How to Improve Your Credit Score

If you have a FICO® score of 650 (which is considered “fair”) or below, it can affect your ability to purchase some of life’s bigger transactions, like buying a car or getting a mortgage for a house. That’s a position no one wants to be in, but there is hope in that there are steps you can take to improve your credit score. Keep in mind, building good credit takes time. It won’t happen overnight, but if you take these steps, you’ll be well on your way to better credit. Continue reading

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Tri-Merge Credit Report

Tri-Merge Credit Report

When you apply for a loan to buy a house, the mortgage lender, in order to protect their interests, will check your credit to determine how likely you are to pay back the loan. The credit check the lender does is different from the credit check that’s done if you are buying a car or applying for a student loan or other personal loan. Mortgage lenders rely on a special type of credit report called a tri-merge credit report. Continue reading

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How Interest Rates Affect Your Monthly Payment

How Interest Rates Affect Your Monthly Payment

Home loan interest rates fluctuate over time and can be affected by certain changes in the market. When interest rates go higher, options might be more limited and you can potentially have less purchasing power. However, when rates go lower, your purchasing power increases as prices are much lower. Let’s shed a bit more light on all this. Continue reading

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