How to Become a Happy Vegetarian

How to Become a Happy Vegetarian

Have you been thinking of becoming a vegetarian but the thought of giving up meat kind of frightens you? There are plenty of good reasons for going vegetarian. One of the biggest reasons is it’s generally thought to be healthier, since you’re cutting out the fat in meat and eating more fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. With a healthier diet you also get the added benefit of losing weight if that’s your goal. Another big reason people decide to become vegetarian is their compassion for animals, but don’t confuse a vegetarian diet with a vegan diet. Vegans cut out animal products all together, including eggs and dairy. Continue reading

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Tri-Merge Credit Report

Tri-Merge Credit Report

When you apply for a loan to buy a house, the mortgage lender, in order to protect their interests, will check your credit to determine how likely you are to pay back the loan. The credit check the lender does is different from the credit check that’s done if you are buying a car or applying for a student loan or other personal loan. Mortgage lenders rely on a special type of credit report called a tri-merge credit report. Continue reading

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Bird Watching in NOVA

Bird Watching in NOVA

You may be stuck at home right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t interact with nature. In fact, it may be the perfect time to take up a new hobby. How about bird watching? You don’t have to go far to do it either. The northern cardinal, the American robin and the blue jay are just a few of the birds you can find right in your own back yard. Continue reading

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Radon and The Importance of Testing Your Home for It

Radon and The Importance of Testing Your Home for It

Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water. It is found all over the country but especially in areas along the east coast, and in Northern Virginia.

The EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes below the third level especially if there is an in-ground basement or little ventilation on the lowest level. The EPA also recommends testing before you buy or sell a home. Continue reading

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Why You Should Plant Native Plants

Why You Should Plant Native Plants

Spring is almost here, a time when thoughts turn to gardening. This year, consider planting native plants. In a time when our ecosystems are threatened by constant road-widening projects and a shortage of pollinators, like bees, you will not only be helping the environment, but you will add beauty to your home. Continue reading

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Customary Closing Costs for a Buyer on a Real Estate Transaction

Customary Closing Costs for a Buyer on a Real Estate Transaction

If you’ve been through the process of buying or selling a house or you’ve refinanced your current home, you’ve had to pay closing costs. In the state of Virginia, title companies are used for closings. During your transaction with them and settling on the house, you most likely got a document from them that looked like this, listing out everything that you’d be paying for at closing. Maybe you didn’t quite understand it, or maybe you’re a first-time homebuyer and need to know what all you’ll be paying for at closing. Here’s a breakdown of many of the costs for buyers. Continue reading

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Prince William County's 2019 Real Estate Market Review and 2020 Forecast

Prince William County’s 2019 Real Estate Market Review and 2020 Forecast

In 2019, the real estate market saw low interest rates for home buyers, but also low inventory, especially for those looking for start-up homes. 2020 is shaping up to be very similar. Here’s a look at where we’ve been and where we’re headed in Prince William. Continue reading

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What to Do in Prince William for Valentine’s Day

What to Do in Prince William for Valentine’s Day

You don’t have to be a couple to celebrate Valentine’s Day, so don’t hide at home if you’re single. Have a night out with friends, or take the kids out with you. There’s something for everyone in Prince William this Valentine’s Day. If you’re not sure what to do or where to go, I’ve got some ideas for you. Continue reading

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Weekend Getaways

Weekend Getaways

Summer is still several months away and you may be experiencing the winter blues, but just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you have to stay home. Why not take a short trip out of town to boost your spirits? There are plenty of places close by that will offer respite from the routine for a weekend — or longer if you wish. Continue reading

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New Year’s Revitalization for Your Home

New Year’s Revitalization for Your Home

It’s a new year, and you’ve probably made some personal New Year’s resolutions, like losing weight or getting organized, but what about for your home? Like you, your home could benefit from a fresh start to the year. Here are some ideas and tips for breathing new life into your living space. Continue reading

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