Ramping It Up: Superior Schools in Prince William County, Virginia

Ramping It Up: Superior Schools in Prince William County, Virginia

Many families are relocating to Prince William County, not only for the real estate market, but also for the excellent educational opportunities. Prince William County is the second largest school division in Virginia, offering students a strong, diverse student base and superior learning experience. Here are some reasons we say that.

First, did you know 49 schools across the county have been awarded the title School of Excellence? The School of Excellence award is the highest recognition a school can receive in the county. Those honored include 36 elementary schools, three combined (K-8) schools, six middle schools and five high schools.

Curious why families are moving to be in Prince William County’s school district? Check out all the academic programs, services and initiatives that are offered in the county.

What kind of Academic Programs and Services are offered in Prince William County?

What kind of School Initiatives are offered in Prince William County?

Safety and Health

    • Athletics and co-curricular teams and clubs – everything from Robotics to Swimming.
    • Bullying prevention programs and positive intervention supporting productive academic and social behaviors.


    • Screening and early intervention for struggling readers.
    • Hands-on science curriculum, blended approach for problem solving, concept understanding and skills in mathematics, and rigorous reading and writing in all areas.


    • Technology integrated into all areas of teaching and learning.
    • Arts integrated in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math curriculum (STEAM)

Ramping It Up: Superior Schools in Prince William County, VirginiaFamilies moving to Prince William County are also pleased with the variety of sports and after-school activities offered for all ages. Whether kids are interested in music, art, sports or engineering, they are sure to find a fun club or team to join. And if they are looking for winning teams, Prince William County has them: Hylton High School’s Cheerleading team took home the 2017 State Championship. Several Prince William County School robotics teams took home awards at the VEX and VEX IQ Robotics World Championships, winning against forty-four different nations. Top-notch sports and extracurricular teams help provide kids will a well-rounded and well-balanced school experience.

We encourage you to look into our area schools more and consider them before you make the decision to move. Your children’s education is important, and we want you to know the facts.


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Ramping It Up: Superior Schools in Prince William County, Virginia

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