Tag Archives: academic programs

Enabling Student Success: Innovative Programs in Fauquier County Public Schools

Enabling Student Success: Innovative Programs in Fauquier County Public Schools

Current housing trends have both families and singles moving away from densely populated cities in a search for better housing opportunities. Locations like Fauquier County, VA have experienced consistent population growth over the past 10 years as millennials and families relocate there for a bigger return on their investment. Despite that, the County remains primarily rural.   Continue reading

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Ramping It Up: Superior Schools in Prince William County, Virginia

Ramping It Up: Superior Schools in Prince William County, Virginia

Many families are relocating to Prince William County, not only for the real estate market, but also for the excellent educational opportunities. Prince William County is the second largest school division in Virginia, offering students a strong, diverse student base and superior learning experience. Here are some reasons we say that. Continue reading

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