Declutter Your Home, Declutter Your Life: Choose a Strategy

Declutter Your Home, Declutter Your Life: Choose a Strategy

Are you looking around the house and thinking, “Where in the world did all of this stuff come from?” Hey, no judgement here, everybody has been deluged by more stuff than they need. And many times, things need replacing or updating, and we are not quite sure what to do with the old once we bring in the new.

This also works with household updates as well. Many times, we are ready to do some much-needed changes to our home, but we know the clutter will remain if we don’t come up with a plan to trade out the new for the old. What are some of the secrets that uber-organized people use to obtain and maintain organized spaces?

Old Out First

Some people throw out the old right away. Before even going to the store to purchase a new needed or wanted item, they cruise by the local thrift store to donate the old item or drop off a broken item at the waste management area. They may have to go without an item for a day or so, but they are not trying to work around the old item while bringing in the new. These same people prefer to make donations before Christmas to make room for the new stuff!

Two for One

Rumor has it, this is the Zen way of handling clutter. For every item, you bring into the house you make a promise with yourself you will donate or throw away two. From shoes to televisions, this strategy does not have to be a straight across trade, but can clean up some of the more stacked-up areas of a home, such as the back-entry way or the laundry room. If a new front door is in the works, you can always count the old front door and the squeaky screen door that is not really needed as your two old pieces for one new. Simply maintaining this mindset a portion of the time can keep you on track for constant decluttering.

Six and Out

Try the “six and out” game. Go around the house and look for clothes, gadgets or other items that nobody has paid attention to in 6 months. If they have no seasonal use and are just collecting dust or getting in the way, pack them up and take them to a local charity. Another variation of this game is great for considering the replacement of larger ticket items or updating your home’s interior. Have you had trouble with a bathroom sink more than once in the last six months? Have you noticed fading paint or a balding carpet for more than six months? Maybe it is time to look at getting those areas of your home updated.

Photograph and Move Out

Declutter Your Home, Declutter Your Life: Choose a StrategyIf de-cluttering is a priority, super-motivated folks will use the “shoot and move-out” method to get the job done. It’s simple. Take a photo of the personal memorabilia, keep in a digital file on any or all devices, and then move the stuff out of your house. It’s quick, it’s easy and the memories made are not forgotten. And the best part, your house is cleaner and more organized faster!

When it comes down to it, a cleaner, less cluttered house makes it easier to care for all of your belongings. And when the time comes for you to move on to better things, not only does an uncluttered, updated home look great to a new buyer, it may mean a better sales price and a much easier move for you!

If you’re interested in learning more about tips for buying or selling a home let us help. We can help you stage your property for the best market price ad help you find the perfect home to move up to. Contact Belinda Jacobson-Loehle at Jacobson Realty and Home Staging today.

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