New School and Transportation Projects in Prince William

New School and Transportation Projects in Prince William

(Source of picture: Prince William County Public Schools)

As our communities and families grow in Gainesville, Haymarket and Bristow, we need more schools and infrastructure. The county has responded to the increased need for schools and roads by planning projects to build a new high school and working to improve roads to support more cars traveling throughout the county.

New High School Planned to Open Near Jiffy Lube Live

Currently known as 13th High School, a new school is proposed to support the growing community. The planning for this school began in 2017 and it’s expected to open in 2021. It will be located off Progress Court, adjacent to Jiffy Lube Live and the new PWCS Transportation Facility, according to the PWCS website.

The school will support 2,557 students in a 348,000 square foot building. The school will be two stories tall with approximately 125 classrooms, along with administrative offices, a media center, career and technical education space, auditorium, gymnasium, and outdoor courtyard for eating and educational purposes. The school will sit on approximately 83 acres of land.

Students at the new school will enjoy outdoor sports, as the school will have full practice and competition fields, press boxes, equipment storage and concessions.

To ensure students’ safety at all times, the school will have a full-time on-site security resident. There is also a traffic management plan to control the flow of traffic during special events, school events, emergencies, and simultaneous events at the school and the adjacent Jiffy Lube Live.

Road Projects Aim to Improve Quality of Life for Area Drivers

New School and Transportation Projects in Prince William
Source: Prince William County Government

The county is always on the move to ease congestion and make life better for area drivers. Here are some of their current transportation projects in our area.

  • Route 28, Phase III – Route 28 will be widened from Linton Hall Road to Pennsylvania avenue to help ease congestion. Construction is slated to begin in June 2019 and be completed in June 2021.
  • Vint Hill Road Extension – The county is currently constructing a turn lane on Vint Hill Road from Sudley Manor Drive to Kettle Run Road. Construction should be completed by September 2019. This project is widening the existing Vint Hill Road to a four-lane roadway. It is also adding a sidewalk on one side of Garry Glen Drive for pedestrian safety.
  • Buckland Area Transportation Study – The County is doing a feasibility study to see if a Buckland/Gainesville/Haymarket Bypass Conceptual Corridor is able to move forward to construction. The county website says, “A bypass has the potential to redistribute traffic from Fauquier County and other western counties around Gainesville and the Historic Buckland District; provide an alternative for congestion for local and regional traffic on Route 15 and Route 19 through Gainesville and Haymarket.”

Looking for real estate services in Gainesville, Haymarket or Bristow? Contact your local real estate expert Belinda Jacobson-Loehle of Jacobson Realty and Home Staging today. Also be sure to sign up now for a FREE copy of my eBook, “The Real Estate Key – What You Need to Know!”

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