Great Places to Live in the Washington D.C. Area: What’s the big deal about Gainesville, Haymarket and Bristow, Virginia? Part I
When people think of moving, usually images of half-packed boxes and household chaos come to mind. What most people don’t consider is what happens before the move, before the home buying and even before the financing. Yet this early step is one of the most important – deciding which community to live in. In speaking with folks in Western Prince William County (namely, Bristow, Gainesville and Haymarket), we’ve been asking what drew them to the area and how they made the final decision to move here. Here are just two aspects of Western Prince William County that were mentioned over and over.
We know real estate is all about location, but in the case of Western Prince William County, location means something other than “we want to be near the city.” In fact, of the people we spoke with, most wanted access to Washington D.C. and the Metro area but didn’t necessarily want to be that close to the Capital. What they wanted was a nice little escape when they returned home from a long day at work. Western Prince William, with the Bull Run Mountains in the backdrop and its rural roots juxtaposed with contemporary conveniences made these folks want to call Western Prince William County home. And while residents of Western Prince William County appreciate the natural beauty of the area, they also enjoy easy access to shopping and dining. From the quaint shops and cafes of Old Town Haymarket to the restaurants and stores of Atlas Walk and Route 29, this area has something for just about every taste.
For families with children, schools are a major concern. Whether families want to send their children to private or public schools, quality of education is crucial. Western Prince William County is fortunate to have some of the best schools in the area. The award winning public and private schools are accredited and have excellent academic and athletic reputations, as well as active, supportive parent teacher organizations.
According to Prince William County Schools (PWCS), recent state test scores show PWCS scored above other Virginia counties in just about every area. In reading and writing, PWCS outperformed the state on six of seven reading tests and equaled the state on the other. On high school reading, PWCS improved and had a pass rate of 90 percent. PWCS outperformed the state on all three writing tests. In science, PWCS met or exceeded state performance on four of six science tests. In history and social science, PWCS met or exceeded state performance on eight of nine history/social science tests.
In addition to having excellent K-12 schools, Western Prince William has college campuses right next door in Manassas. George Mason University and Northern Virginia Community College offer local options for higher education, as do some private colleges and career schools. We could go on about Western Prince William County and what makes it a viable place to live, and we will in Part II. For now, however, we will leave you with this thought. If you are considering a move and would like to know more about this growing but connected community, call Belinda Jacobson-Loehle at 703-338-9678 or email
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